The ability to be able to slide down a blade naked using your balls as breaks


the power to have no powers.

The power to grow one inch, but you need to shrink one inch to do so.

the ability to be tied to train tracks

The power of attracting lightning to your body, but not being imune to it.

The ability to break the fourth wall. Thank you for reading this pointless super power, please like it.

The power to attract bullets when a gun fires

The power of extreme superstrenght, you scratch you`re nuts and planet earth explodes from the vibrations.

The power to turn back time and get the word "emit".

The power to make the dead that where once deaf see again.

Th power to be telepathetic

The power to troll yourself

The ability to make everything real, only in your dreams.

the power to get a free game but can't play it.

The power to make tea appear at will

the power to become phil collins, but only after peter gabrial left

The ability to breathe underwater but only when above water

The power to turn into the Hulk, but only when you are asleep.

The power to see through things like locked cabinets, wrapped birthday presents etc. But only if you know whats inside.

The power to do a barrel roll without instruction

The power of having all of Batman`s Superpowers.

the power to be a free wireless hotspot only when you are completely motionless.

The power to see through solid glass, water, and air.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!