the ability to live on the edge of a building

The power to teleport all gold to criminals and or teleport criminals to gold

The power to control yourself

The power to jump 1 cm more than the average human when you're scared.

The power to look incredibly beautiful when there's no light

The ability to switch your fingers with thumbs, and your thumbs with baby corn.

the ability to make your penis more sophistcated than yourself

the power to turn on a random guys tv

The ability to turn into a mermaid, only on Halloween.

Reversed telepathy, everyone can hear your thoughts.

the power to forget all you learned when taking the final. just so u could remember it later...

To call me maybe

The power to simply walk into mordor

The power to hear Justin Bieber singing wherever you are, no matter how far you run.

The power to suck a golf ball through a garden hose

the ability to masturbate in front of your grandma

the power to be nonflammable unless your on fire

The power of reading a book unless it has 3 or more pages.

The power to never run out of toilet paper when going to the bathroom

The power of never finishing what you sta

the ability to increase your debts in the bank.

The power to go through open windows

The power of immunity to paper cuts.

The power to shit someone elses pants.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!