The power to have horrible spelling while trying to write an ad for the pointless superpowers app.

The power to have any power on this list but only 1 at any given point in time.

the ability to teleport to th place you were 5 seconds ago, unless you've just been to a bank vault and just knocked out teh security gaurd.

The power to transform your foreskin into rusty iron.

The power to initiate hiccoughing at will.

The power to clap louder than anyone else in the room but only at inappropriate times

The power to inflict Cellulite at touch.

The power not to be Chuck Norris

The power to be a virgin forever.

the power to make food shrimp.

The power to fluently speak all languages of the world but only when you are sleeping.

The ability to crap out acid once every month.

the power to eat when you have already ate from a few hours ago

The power to piss lava.

The power to be fluent in every language but only when your head is fully submerged underwater.

The power to go back in time but only be able to go 1 second back

the ability to know what the fox say

The power to blink your eyelids in Morse Code

The power to never come into existence

The power to have a device to turn the tv off without touching it!!! :O

the power to be able to call 2 people at once.

The power to eat your own face.

The power to sneeze with your eyes open.

To bend sticks really far without breaking them

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!