The power to time travel 60 seconds a minute

The power to look out any window in the world and immediately get it on the face by a bald eagle.

The power to think about useless power

The power to move through light at the speed of time

instantaneously add any amount of weight to your body (but not be able to lose it)

the ability to "speak in tongues"...

The ability to sleep for 15 straight hours and still feel exhausted...thank you mono.

The power of temporary invincibility but you have to kill yourself first

The power to have the biggest boner ever in the middle of a presentation.

The ability to turn into any non-living object, but not back.

The power to become paralyzed whenever you're aroused.

The ability to bleed for 3-5 days once a month

the power to make your nose longer by 5 centimeter on command

The power to always make a street light turn red as you approach it!

The power to fly but only if you standing on the ground

The power to tickle your own feet.

The ability to be an anoying little twat like jack moore

The ability to forget how to breathe automatically.

The power to see through windows when people sleep.

the power to create your own real working money but you cannot spend it

To...Talk LIKE...WILLIAM shatner.

The power to poop standing up

The power to speak in only anime openings

power to fly only in the plane

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!