the power to perminately bring jade goody back from the dead

The power to only drink when your parents are watching.

the power to kill yourself

The ability to hide your cats right ear at will

the ability to fly, but only within the confines of an airplane

The power to create powers

Being able to create duplicates of yourself, however you must give birth to these duplicates out of your anus (incredibly painful and its highly likely that you will pass out from the pain). And to disappear they must claw their way back up.

The power to fart to inside. By mouth.

The power to eat just one lays potato chip

Power to not have any power.

The power to turn everything you touch turn into a black person

being able to change shape whist flying "It's a bird!, no it's a plane , It's a flying Sammich!?!

the ability to die without any control

The power to poop out your penis.

The ability to remember what you don't want to remember

The power to perpetually yawn.

The power to moves in slow motion.

The power to have explosive diarrhea when people are looking at you.

The power to know everything in the universe but you are mute.

The power to hold your breath forever, but only in a hot-tub.

The power to have Pauly D haircut while being a dumbass.

the ability to make your finger nails longer by 0.1 %

The Pickle Touch- That is, the power to pickle any object by merely touching it.

the power to nit propely

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!