the power to ejaculate when a hot girl walks by

The power to pee out your butt and poop out of your weenie

The ability to pee lava, but have it still burn you

The power to float without gravity.

To be able to turn into any molusk when in a lava pit

the ability to walk through your clothes

The power to walk on water. Unless its above 0 degrees celcius.

The power to fly when you fart

The power to live again but only while your still alive.

the power to fly, only when in the cabin of an airplane

The power to change the tv channel only when you have the remote in your hands.

The ability to put on a belt without touching it, but only while completely naked.

The power to get pulled over for going 1mph over the speed limit.

The ability to sweat poop.

the power to poo pineapples

The power to not write pointless powers.

The power to come up with a pointless superpower besides this one

the ability bend your legs in a perfect circle

the power to become demented

The power to cum extremely hard inside you`re mother.

The power to sneeze backwards

The ability to keep a song stuck in your head overnight

The power to incriminate yourself in a crime you didnt commit

The power to control Rollie pollies

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!