The power to blink 1.0000000000001 times faster than the average human.

The ability to make red lights turn green by simply staring and waiting

The power to run at the slowest speed possible.

the power to die....

The ability to grow adult teeth back if you loose them.

The power to have withdrawal symptoms.

The ability to predict something after it's already happened.

The power to shorten your lifespan by 10 seconds.

The power to be powerless in situations u need them the most.

The power to break your Nokia phone.

The power to do nothing/

power to turn into an idiot once you get a scholorship.

The power to fuck your mum whenever you want

The power to make you`re erections so big you faint.

PATTIES THAT ARE SUPPOSEDLY READY TO EAT, BUT COVERED IN STICKY HARDENED FAT! Moral: Damn greasy hand surprise! I was going all victoly on guilty gear XXX

the ability to make a banana talk uncontrollably to itself but only when people around it are high. the ability to make a banana momentarily stop talking. the ability to allow a banana to sing uncontrollably songs strictly about being a banana, previously sung by a mammal. the ability to write funny things but only about banana(s).

The power to win any game against a 5-year-old.

the power to see through clear glass.

the power to send future you crazy

The power to sleep while you're awake.

the power to become Gary Busey, but only after the accident

The power to have a pointless power.

The power to when you get scared, you fart.

The power to find hiding spots quicker... like anne frank and osama bin ladin

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!