to be able to lift any weight of feathers

The power to beat any video game after you've beaten it

The power to eat your own head.

The power to read this text unless you can see it.

The power o know why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch

To be small u could be step on because no one can hear u

The helpers... early days part 3!: Shitfixer: What color is your poo? Hmm.. you should eat more vegetables.., You need someone to fix your toilet? Try calling Batman... Batman: Yes? Are you retarded? Dense or something? Of course I repair toilets and install showers! I am the goddamn Batman! The Pope: The less people use condoms, the more children we can bang! I really hope nobody finds out our secret reason for banning condoms or stuff... AMEN! Moral Man: People are gonna try crush me for the last one, they gotta find me first though... and I kill and eat Zealots (and pussy) for breakfast... and its nearly breakfast so please come by.. only 100 at the time though, I have limits too you know... although some still think I am perfect... sigh...

The power to buy "I cant believe its not butter" and turn the damn thing into real butter.

The power to know exactly how events would have turned out, had the last event gone differently

To connect to the Playstation network with your mind! Who would want to?

The power to solve any problem with another problem e.g. Putting out a house fire with a flash flood.

The power to know if someone in China eats Rice

the power to write only the letter R

The ability to fly, but only while you're touching the ground.

the power to make a pillow filled with feathers into a pillow filled with fluff

The power to troll.

The power to see who is writing these powers

The power to break your legs before hitting the ground after jumping off of heights

The ability to see into the present.

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The power to eat multiple things at a time

The ability to turn into Chuck Norris, then get round house kicked in the face and killed by the real Chuck Norris because there can only be one Chuck Norris.

The power to walk on water for one second and then fall in

The power to whipe the floor with your face.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!