The ability to discharge a battery - JW

The power to lick your elbow.

The power to be able to fall asleep instantly

To see what you are currently doing from the same perspective of your regular vision, with the ability to understand that you're doing it. But not have the ability to stop yourself from doing what you were going to do as if you didn't have the power.

You know what they say! The power to make all toasters... Toast Toast!

Your average Axel entering a Phone Booth and coming out as... MORAL MAN! Moral: Where the damn do you find a Phone booth nowadays?

The power to fly 2 feet in the air.

The power to shoot liqiud gold ever 3-6 years only when you come across jesus.

the power to breathe but only if there's oxygen present

The power to make water come out of your fingertips in a slow trickle, the way it looks in the shower.

Ability to be Austin Calhoun when hes sick

The power to fly but only on a foggy Christmas night

The power to change your eyebrows daily

The power to only tell the truth

Black power

The ability to eat your self up when out of food.

The power to believe people will vote for you`re comment, which starts WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY in the back.

The power of fart only in front of cheerleaders

Being able to shit a brick every time you blink

The power to see 2 min. into the past.

The power to only fly backwards and downwards.

The power to see correctly with wearing glasses

Gay mens power to making straight women like them...

Harnessing Homoeopathic wisdom.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!