The power to moonwalk backwards

The power to walk on lava but you are not resistant to it

whenever you want to sleep an anime starts happening in real life

The power to cum out of your finger tips

the ability to pee in your own butt.

The power to die in one second

The power to hear a dog whistle

The ability to breath, but only in space.

The power to instantly engrave your face into any urinal anywhere at will.

The power to spontaneously combust into trillions of microscopic kittens, every time you stare a cat photo for more then 3 hours.

The power to become invisible, but it only works when you are using it for noble and moral purposes.

The aability to double the current amount of money you have, only if the bank gets half the money you have.

Backpack with everything.. ..except the things needed in any given situation.

The power to not go to wor unless it's a work day and to not fell pain unless you get hurt.

The power to tell time every other second. sometimes.

The power to transform your foreskin to rusty iron.

The ability to make any amount of money appear in your wallet. The money is in the form of the Neptunarian Dollar, which has no value anywhere on Earth.

The power to eat toxic waste as long as it is not toxic but die from non-toxic waste and stuff

the power to make the tip of a kangaroo's nose itch.

The power to shoot billions of neutrinos from your hands at an enemy.

The power to regret things you did in the past

The ability to screw up everything you say in the language that the country you are in speaks

the power to die 10 minutes after reading this comment

The power to make any glass of water into milk

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!