The power to have all your friends leave you

The power to make poorly drawn art in less time than it takes to blink.

The power to be gangsta, only in front of true gangsta's.

Now you can stop the time for half a second, while walking against a strong wind.

The power to be missed when present.

Faster than a loaded bullet!

X-ray vision which only allows you to see through clothes that are made of glass.

You can have anything you don't want at any time.

The power to sing that lame "Tomorrow" song from Annie uncontrollaby on Dec. 21, 2012.

The power to taste anything you look at, except for food. Nothing edible counts...

The ability to make your body colder in cold whether and hotter in hot whether

The power to transform any cutlery into a plastic spork, but only when you're in life threatening situations.

The power to create ice out of thin air but only at -35 degree celcius and below.

the power to switch your nose with your penis once a week, randomly and automatically.

The power to see at night but only black objects.

the power to stay up all night and take long naps during the day

the power to... SHUT THE F*CK UP

The power to jump 100 feet in the air, but only while you're in a building

The power to digest food wrappers, but only once youve opened them.

Invisibility, but only in the dark.

the power to have the most dangerous but most awesome power in the universe but not know how to use it

The ability to think why does it say write your own when you type it.

the power to create bad superpowers

The power to turn into any cat which is about to give birth.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!