The power of having a short attention sp-- Ooh shiny!

The power to read Chuck-E-Cheese's mind.

The power to think of a funny pointless superpower then find out someone has already posted it.

The ability to remain entertained at the DMV

The power to barely touch anything in space and time, but only with the pointer finger on your not dominant hand.

The power to fly when your touching the ground

The power to make whatever it is you see and/or think about into cotton candy.

the ability to teleport far away from here but still be stuck

The power to do something for 8 hours and still have to do it the next day.

the power to fart your way to the moon

the power to turn on a random guys tv

The power to.... OMG a fish :D wait... what was i talking about?

The power to produce fish eggs from your left eye

The power to make women have their most amazing orgasms, but be hideously disfigured.

The ability to get free housing for at least 25 years after running over your neighbor.

the ability to throw a midget further than any mortal man

The ability to know how to drive a car but only when piloting light aircraft

the power to float one atom above the ground

The power to shrink boobs by merely touching them.

The power of being invincible after getting blown to the sun and killed by it while your balls are being bit by a crock

The Power to count backwards extra swiftly.

The power to make it so legions of turtles submerge from the world seas in order to fight for the death in your name to save your ass whenever you are in trouble. Moral: Uh thanks for coming turtles... yeah I remember when I needed you 20 years ago... But thanks really...

The power to shit in your eye

the power the to use hands when you already have hands

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!