the ability to an app cost 1 cent less (no free apps don't count

The power to travel 60 miles an hour while inside of a vehicle.

The power to feed cat toes to your boss but only during a job interview

The power to levitate 0.000000000000001mm off the ground when going up stairs.

the most bunka busting mega ultra super duper large biggest most powerfull cool best ever strongest mightiest power in whe whole universe but dont knowing what it is.

The power to turn on your tv with your mind as long as the remote is in your hand and has batteries.

The power to die when you get old

The power to punch that like button

The power to lick your balls.

The Power to make PotNoodle...

the power two peel m&ms -jesse

The power to easily persuade people to your opposing viewpoint

The power to make time go 100 times slower when bored

the power to turn everything you touch into gold......deja vu?

The power to talk like a leb when you get angry at your mum

The power to win a gold medal in the special Olympics... you are perfectly healthy

the power to talk to people off long distances,but only with communicational devices.

Mario's fireball gets put out when it hit water.

Power to come up with an idea you have recently heard of.

The power to be an artistic genius during a math test.

the power to say the power to say the power to say the power to say.....

The power to read someone's mind, but only if they're thinking of tacos.

The power to find the end of the sticky tape

The ability to always be fashionable late

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!