The power to slow down time while you are at school

power to have time to actually wright something funny in pointless superpowers

The Power to defeat anyone only when they are already defeated

The power to get extreme orgasms random, often in very awkward situations.

The power to have a second brain, but it has the IQ of a rock.

The power to make food slightly smaller.

The power to piss with REALLY high force.

The power to be powerless

The power to turn any plasma tv into ice with 3 times the mass

The power to see through the clothes of only the morbidly obese.

The power to hear people from across the globe, make people move with your own mind, and the ability to make people disappear from the Earth. Ladies and Gentleman, I call it MMORPG!

the power to reseal bottle caps

The ability to not blink twice as long as the normal person! Lol

The Power To Become A Housefly And Be Immediately Killed By Your Mother

the power to suck at absolutly everything you do, except at failing.

The power to inflict the most agonizing pain to yourself. Can only be used once and it doesn't go away

The power to go back in time and kill yourself in the past.


The ability to DO A BARREL ROLL

The power to age 2% faster every time you see the color purple.

The power to make green lights turn red on approach.

The power to only make burnt toast

The power to waste time coming up with pointless super powers

The ability to shoot acorns from your nipples

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!