the passive ability to teleport to the center of the world every tenth of a second

The ability to perceive the presence of light.... with your ears. (warning, blindness may effect abilities potency.)

The power to see through clothes of women 70+.

The power to bleed for 3-7 days for a week every month, and still live..

The power to part clouds when there are no clouds.

the ability to fly- but only indoors

The ability to pirate every song you want without getting caught. However, they can only be Justin Bieber songs

The power to change your urine to any color

The power to jump 1 centimeter higher than you usually can

The power to be a mistborn but only if you're on Scadrial.

The power to change laws if you're allowed to.

The ability to explode. With no healing factor.

The power to shatter a mirror just by staring at it.

The power to do a wheelie on. Unicycle

the power to make fire but only when you are in water

The power to see forever

The power to make lipstick fly

To pee standing up.

The Ability to make everybody hate YOU!

The power to know the word for potato in every human language... including binary (011100000110111101110100011000010111010001101111)

The power to bounce a beach ball with lightly above-average accuracy

The power to see through air.

The power to shrink boobs by merely touching them.

The power to never come into existence

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!