The power to view pointless superpowers on a screen.

the ability to levitate

the power to tie your shoelaces with one hand

The power to think of food

the superpower to be able to fuck extremely good with or without genitals

The power to know all the answers to life after you are fatally wounded.

The power to just eat one lays potato chip

the power to teleport to any place 1 centimeter away.

The power to see the future five days after it has happend

The ability to break all of your bones when you see any person

Turning into a brick wall. Forever.

The power to read people's minds, but only in the voice of Gilbert Gottfried

The power to turn pizza into math worksheets. -Big C

the ability to shoot with 0.100% accuracy

the power to turn everything you touch into gold......deja vu?

The power of heat vision* *Only for cooking.

the power to stop masturbating every day

Having the power of a normal human

the ability to make your finger nails longer by 0.1 %

The power to sweat blood uncontrollably out of your anus while singing to Justin Beiber and stabbing yourself in the dick with a machete

The power to eat your own face.

The power to have all sensory input interpreted as pain

The power to wake up one second earlier than everyone else.

The power to .... Make pointless superpowers! :D

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!