the power to see stuff

the power to fly twice every 22 years for 6 seconds in you room with the door closed

The ability to pee as a gas, not a liquid

the power to relive the least important moments in history

The power to go blind but you cant go back to seeing everything

you can talk to dust but they dont respond in a language you can understand

The power to survive a car crash only if it's between 9 and 9.30 am.

the power to sneeze whenever you want

Being able to throw away the piece of toilet paper with which you wiped your ass without looking it.

the power to never be late to work, but only when you're unemployed.

The power to state the obvious.

To see what you are currently doing from the same perspective of your regular vision, with the ability to understand that you're doing it. But not have the ability to stop yourself from doing what you were going to do as if you didn't have the power.

The power to give yourself a BJ.

the power to get drunk but only when drinking anything with alcohol in it.

to have a face with the power to attract fists

The power to blink at incredibly fast speeds

The power to get rid of only your own power

The power of having a short attention sp-- Ooh shiny!

The power to get hurt every other hour

the power to change the size of your thumb when ever you want

The ability to cry shampoo at will. But it still stings.

The power of exploding when you think.

The power to transform you`re nuts into nunchuck-magnets.

The power to uncontrollably make your clothes dissapear and only in church.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!