the power to teleport 2 in. from were you were standing in 8 hours

The power to use internet explorer at a moderate working speed

The ability to turn into a moth only when you run into a spider web.

The power to look like yourself

The Power to rot you favorite food by looking at it

The ability to see through other peoples eyes but only when they're closed.

The power to die uncontrollably and never come back or do anything else.

The power to levitate for 10 seconds only when having explosive diarrhea

Expert level knowledge of the Kardashian lore

The power to turn your knee any shade of orange on every full moon.

To tell how many kids in a sweatshop it took to make your nike's

The power to be toilet paper and never run out of paper but still keep your sense of taste

The power to give yourself any disease, but not the power to cure it.

The ability to speak any language, but whoever you speak the language to doesn't speak or understand the language

The power to learn only at school.

The ability to excrete Hydrochloric acid, but only in your stomach.

the power to run at the speed of light, but you have no protection from the air friction so you'll burn up and die.

I have the power to force farts out of my ass.

The power to turn everything you touch into a crying, hungry baby.

The power to clean a small portion of your house in a bigger amount of time then it would have taken to do by your self

The power to tie any type of knot but only when using dental floss

The power to lose your sense of touch and orgasm uncontrollably for five minutes.

The ability to come up with the idea for a new version of Windows.

The power to be anyone you want but your still a nobody

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!