the power to fart in 7 different colors

the power to see through people's clothing when they're naked

the abitlity to turn into a duck, but not turn back.....

The power to talk in sign language.

The power to wiggle your big toe whenever you have a car accident with a baby gorilla on the passenger seat every other Thursday of every other leap year.

The power to die early.

the power to vomit through your nose only

power to poop out 5x5 ice cube

The power of micro penis.

the power to create Snyder films. xD

the power to turn into a piece of paper

The power to move objects by touching them.

The power to make a small hamster yawn.

The power to give epic blowjobs, works only if you are a incarcerated, straight male.

The uncontrollable ability to turn oncomming vehicles headlights on. But only at night, when you are passing them.

the power to fart mace

The ability to control Do-Do Birds

The power to cure cancer, but cause death by radiation poisoning.

the power to murder Joey and get away with it

The power to change you`re mind at rando... the power to... hmm.. the... the.. AH! The power to... hmm... no... hmm...

The power to drink as much tequila as you want without dying.

The power to fly 2 feet in the air.

the power to be an incest pedo called jack sanders.

The power to not sneeze in awkward situations, unless told otherwise.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!