The power to finish right before you start (If you know what I mean)

The ability to be ambidextrous

the power to persuade every 80 yo into penetrating you analy

The power to read the TV

The power to know when an item of food has been cooked to perfection, 38 seconds after it has caught fire.

the power to sizzle like bacon

The power to get a boner at unpredictable times.

the power to make broccoli taste like asparagus

The poewr to selpl eryvetihng wonrg.

Actually, scratch that. . My pointless superpower would be having an ability to do something specific during a period when pretty much all others also have the capability to do that very same thing.

The power of not knowing

Power that makes you perfect in being useless

The power to kill yourself.

The power of eletric energy in the ancient history

the power to die on command

the power to blind and nausiat yourself for 12 hours straight with no way to stop it ohh and the power the eat hairy dicks

The power to eat turkey with nothing more than your mouth.

The power to know the end of every movie ever.

alarm that goes off when hiding

The power to die when you change emotions

The power to think of hilarious intensely racist jokes, but only at Black Lives Matter protests.

The ability to turn chips back into potatoes

The power to always know which way North is but you forget where you are.


Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!