The ability to turn into an apple--but not be able to turn back.

The power to fuck everyone.

The ability to read braile.

the power to have no one read this post

The power to be able to see through clothes, but only men over the age of 65.

The power to lift any weight but only when you're lifting something light.

the power to jay walk, and never get caught. (your superhero name then must be Jay Walker)

The power to bleed on command

The power to be immortal but only in times where it does not mater, stops working after the age of 50.

The power of getting a boner, but only when your mother is near...

The power to defecate grass, but only in hot air balloons.

The power to yell WOW THOSE ARE SOME GIANT MELONS LADY! And have her blush and giggle, as your girlfriend grabs you and kisses you, just to make sure to "balloon lady" that you are not on the free market. Moral: And you think I act unusual here... Hah! That is simply because you lack the ability to love... the most important person in your life, the one that will take care of your beloved ones, the one that will inspire his friends... Yourself... sadly we are in a time period where being a modest emo is in... Well, I am out! Out there, being free!

The power to kill an ant!!!

The power to turn into a lamp and stay that way till someone turns your light on.

The power to heal but every time you heal your leg or arm falls off.

The ability to fly, but only when you wear absolutely nothing.

the power to smell like shlt shlt.

the power to turn wine into water.

The ability to just 1 meter high, but whenever you do so you lose a meter from your height, only to regain it when you hit the ground.

The ability to change languages after every word, but you can't not do so.

The power to sneeze scissors

The superpower to forget to type a moral under the comment below... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Moral: Definition of Pointless Superpower insta-change, interestingly also a pointless superpower... and realizing it is also a pointless super power... life is a pointless super power... (hangs himself) Moral: Two morals just to catch up, and to prove I do not have the pointless super power to type on a computer while hanging myself... which is pointless superpower... etc.. Conclusion: Pointless Superpowers IS POINTLESS! So why would anything here have a point?... Sheesh this is shit is cerebral... another pointle... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

the power to make men funnier smarter and more athletic then womer.

the ability to not get pregnant when you get raped

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!