Have sex but not feel it

The ability to stop farting so that you blow up like a balloon that eventually bursts.

the power to turn invisible when no one else is around.

The ability to fly with wings on only one leg

The power to read Chuck-E-Cheese's mind.

The ability to find objects in the last place you look

the power to wake up 2 seconds before your alarm.

The power to make a few turtles fly

The power to fly 3 inches.

the power to shrink 0.1 millimeter or grow 0.1 millimeter

The power to create powers

the power to cook instant pasta in less than 1 min.

the power to sell jars of bodily fluids for $25 each but get arressted shortly after

The power to speak Braille.

The power to have super-sonic hearing, but only in the presence of the mute.

the power to watch reruns of NBC's "Joey" in your head

The ability to be the newest post until someone else posts.

the power to flick a coin and get heads 50% of the time.

The power to burn the sun.

The power to shoot rainbows out of your elbows but consequently having your skin fall off

the power to be indestructable to ballistics, falls, poisons and other potentially lethal things however everyday mundane things will be hazardous to yourself

The power to see into the future and past but not remember any of it.

The power to wash your mouth out with soap.

The power to have as much fun typing these as me. Moral: Of course you possess no such "useless" superpower you sad loser!

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!