The power to feel pain when ever you want

The power to find spare change in the sofa

The power to sleep with your eyes open.

The ability to unbleep swear words on your tv.

the power to turn into the hardest material in the whole of space but while in that mode you cant move

The power to bleed for 3-7 days for a week every month, and still live..

Super strength, but when nobody is watching, (including you)

the power to fail at everything you


the power to murder Joey and get away with it

The power to become severely depressed and suicidal whenever you feel the slight sensation of happiness.

The power to kick ass when your names aoife.

The power to run faster than a bunny but slower than a turtle

The power to die and come back as a invincible bug that lives for 5 seconds

The power to say you have a superpower.

The power to not think of a productive power.

The power to teleport to the middle of the Pacific Ocean

the power to breathe under water but only when yourout of water

The ability to make the girl of your dreams fall in love with you BUT you become a retarded octopus if you use this power

The power to infinitely generate cardboard

The power to tell whether or not butter is salted or not.

The power to eat just 1 Lays potato chip

Have sex but not feel it

The ability to stop farting so that you blow up like a balloon that eventually bursts.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!