The power to fly and superstrength as soon as you die.

the power to solve any problem and answer any question or equation, you just have to read all books known to mankind.

The Power to Fail in Failing

The power to catch em all

the superpower of making pointless and lame jokes for which no human laughs (except crazy ones and apes)

The power to demand people to thumb you down! (That would make this pointless power even more pointless, which deserves a thumbs up... but...) Moral: THUMB ME DOWN! NAO!

The power to produce wi-fi but with password no one knows.?

The power of creating poop.

The power to enter into a Coalition with the Conservative Party

The power to climb ladders faster.

To summon a duct tape PEICE for 3 seconds then disappears but you can only do it each century

The power to kill a manin just 30 years a spoon

T3h p0w@ T0 b3 L33T

The Abiltity to poop and pee in your mouth and chest......

the power to smell tastebuds

The ability to smell colors

The power to get any car you want but once it runs out of gas you have to get a new one and can not be the same model.

The to ejaculate anytime but only when your mom appears in front of you.

The power to transform your fingers into uncooked hotdogs.

The superpower to realize that if you guys thumb my former comment up, then it is no longer a useless "superpower" and would by itself contradict uh... itself.. by being useful... Moral: Hey, turning into Beiber at will is useful for banging silly young chicks at will is it not? And I will rather bang brainless women (beliebers yes I mean you, because everyone deserves some love) Disclaimer: Sexual age of consent is 16 over here, and good luck calling a whole nation for pedophiles, nope girls simply mature faster here... Fact: Above.

the power to phaze through everything against your will

The power to see into the future of the past

The power to use a rectangular prism to generate electricity to go on a square-shaped object full of pixels and create things with it.

The ability to hover slightly above the ground on Wednesdays.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!