The ability to build a wall... wait a minute!

The power to turn Justin Bieber into a Man.

the power to shrink or grow at will, except your organs stay the same size

The power to (involuntarily) duplicate someone's wounds or illnesses by touching them.

The ability to piss flames.

To be able to estimate time between 5:00am and 5:07am

The ability to turn invisible but only when you're playing a trombone.

The ability to open electronics-packaging without scissors.

The power to make any woman sleep with you. but works only on dead ones.

The Power to sit down only on chairs made of knives.

The power to fire lasers from my nipples.

The power to eat anything you like and still be fat.

The power to make a Spirit Bomb in one less episode than Goku.

The power to do no hand stunts by using your hands

The power to do your homework.

done something sexual with some type of food?

The power to eat socks

The ability to fly up 3feet travel to travel a meter forwards

The power to have every single power you can imagine but not able to use any of them

The power to run people over with a tractor.

the super power of being a housewife..

The power to tap dance awesomely, but only when wearing bunny slippers.

the power to turn retarted

Alzheimers man, the ability to show up where you are needed but forget why you are there in the first place

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!