The power to always run out of toilet paper when it's needed most.

The Power to die at will

The power to feel lustful when watching My Little Pony Clopfic.

Invisibility, but only in the dark.

the power to jay walk, and never get caught. (your superhero name then must be Jay Walker)

The power to fly really fast, but only in one direction (down).

The power to be missed when present.

The ability to find the sharpest object in an given drawer, by having it puncture your hand. Every time.

The power to be on mars. Not survive, not go between mars and earth. You could just instantaneously be on mars, then probably die.

The power to be able to see words backwards, but not any faster than the average mentally handicapped person can read backwards.

The power to shoot yogurt from your armpits once a month

The power to be impressed by Sham-Wow

The power to travel 60 miles an hour while inside of a vehicle.

The power to eat the same food but you have to throw it up first.

the ability to self resurrect only if you are not dead

The power to fall off a tree, then land in spikes.

The ability to fly but only when you touch the ground.

the power to read this sentence

The power to ressurect anyone alive by killing them first. Works only 10 percent of the time...

The power of seeing and talking to God (in case there's one) but cannot really prove His existence to any other person. (Sounds really like any religious person there is).

The power to hear morse code.

To be able to generate cancer at will

The power to detect which kitchen drawers contain the silverwear at other peoples houses

The power to nanometer every million years

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!