The ability to cause cancer, but only at your own joyful events, like on your birthdays, wedding day, etc.

the power to eat your computer mouse while its on this site

The ability to fart into a crowd silently , but in turn shit you pants .

The power to detach you`re penis and use it as a throwing weapon... to late you discover its not possible to attach it back :(

the power to shit brixs. oh wait i can everyone can already do that

The power to run on water when there is no water

The ability to blow strawberries

The power to make the opposite of what you want to happen (and you can not think of bad things happening)

The power to kill yourself with your mind.

The power to blink one second faster then usual.

the power to look like a boy and sing like a girl (bieber joke)

The ability to give yourself brain cancer at will

The power to see in black and white.

The power to convert oxygen to carbon dioxide

The power of omniscience but it causes a near fatal heart attack every time you think.

the power to herd cats

The ability to teleport at a random point of the space.

The power to cause any car accident, but only when someone you love would be in it

The power to see every rainbow in double rainbow.

The power to bring Magic: the Gathering cards to life, but only the land cards.

Having Wolverine’s ability to healing from any damage, but still healing at a normal human rate of recovery.

the power to.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................waste your time

The power to know who farted at any time.

The power to not have any power.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!