The power to make hot strippers appear. The catch is that you have less than a second or else they become pedobear.

The power to know everything in the universe but you are mute.

The power to teleport in the bottom of the sea.

The power to be half invisible

the ability to be a vampire on a stick

The ability to obtain a date with any girl you want, but only if you are gay.

The power to give super powers to others, but only to people you don't like.

The ability to smell with your hands

the power to be powerless

the ability to drink coffee without burning your tongue.

The power to pick thing up with your feet

The power to clone yourself 1000`s of times times and fly really fast upwards for 10 minutes as soon as you die. (Your corpses landing everywhere)

the power to kill yourself

The power to be lazy and a normal human being. The Average Joe Power.

the power to get a random fruit every 10 days...


The power to make you fap to anything.

the power to-OMFG IT'S TAILS DOLL!

The power to have implosive diarrhea.

The ability to know everything and get anything you want, but you must poop out a poop the size of a horse.

The power to convert any font to comic sans at will.

the power to listen to dead people that speak a different language than you.

The power to have any stupid thing you do and experience being automatically uploaded on youtube.

The power of hearing peoples conversations but only on topics related to Shrek.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!