The ability of using their one true super power with stunning accuracy.

the power to fall off of a cliff and live... in hell

The power to automaticly teleport over a cliff only when you are within 12.36 lightyears from one

The ability to predict the future .000001 seconds in advance.

The ability to understand what a drunk Scottish man is saying, but only in the non-drinking bar.

The power to make yourself not have a super power

The power to get instantly pruned when in contact with any liquid

The power to shit brix

The power to grow fingernails.

The power to time travel to the present.

The Ability To Stop Existing Only When You Already Don't Exist

The ability to be invincible, but still die.

The power to sense when infomercials will be on hours before they broadcast.

Power To Throw Power Booger In Every 5 Seconds

The power to drink water and pee immediately.

the power to morph into yourself

The power of shrinking your own anus to subatomic size.

The ability to turn invisible but only when you're playing a trombone.

The power to think up really funny pointless superpowers.

The power to turn apples into pears

The power to be dyslexic at will

The power of laser vision only while eating Oscar Mayer hot dogs.

The power to take away your power.

power to drop the soap in the jail shower room

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!