The power to grow your fingernails .0001 centimeters a day

The power to put out light from your butt

The ability to make any girl hook up with you, while your penis is numb

The power to not feel pain when you are not in pain.

The power to finish work instantly but only after the deadline

the power to reach a top speed of 200 miles an our, but only in built-up areas

the power to hate Raymond, and like Chris.

the ability to inhale your food(John Eric)

The ability to understand women!!

The power to time travel to the present.

The ability to feel all pain 30 seconds after it happens.

The power to fart slightly less deadly

the power to make sounds by vibrating your vocal cords.

to make water turn blue when you touch it.

The power to be dyslexic at will

The power to think up really funny pointless superpowers.

The ability to sweat caramel

The power to not have a power.

The power to breath fire even though you are not fireproof.


The power to perfectly tie a Cherry stem in your mouth only while your in and elevator going down in Shanghai on the fourth shortest tower with a pink roof

the power to transform into a rock.

the immunity to bullets only after being shot 47 times and are dead

The power to be able to do anything you want, but only as long as you don't know that you have that power.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!