Super strength, but the only thing it affects is feathers.

The power to fart slightly less deadly

The power to wear comfortably wear shoes that are way too small.

The power to be immortal, but only on 29th February.

The power to enter into a Coalition with the Conservative Party

The power to turn time back... To the point where you turned it back.

The ability to see the future but only when you are in the past.

the power to move things with your mind in your imagination

The power to get extreme diarrhea and projectile vomiting at aany time.

The power to have to eat every 1 second.

The ability to walk slower than everyone else


The superpower to know everything about the earth today after 2.5trillion years have passed

The power to drink parfume and not get disgusted

the ability to click your fingers and lose your hands

The power to cook bad meals.

The power to attract bullets.

when riding home on my bike with music on pretenend im in a race with no1 and commentate on it .....

Ability to emit soap from your ears in the sun

The power to fall off a tree, then land in spikes.

The power to eat turkey with nothing more than your mouth.

power to have no power at all

The ability to summon Cthulhu automatically when you reach the age of 23.5.

The power to transform any cutlery into a plastic spork, but only when you're in life threatening situations.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!