the power to fail any test you want

To pee standing up.

The power to breathe underwater, only in sewers.

Hello.. I'm Captain Curteous & I'd jst like tol say F@@K THE LOT OF YOU. Oh no my powers are failing!!!!!

The abilty to think Justin Beiber is talented.

The power to exude spaghetti from your pockets, which is never stopped. The spaghetti keeps coming. Out of your pockets. Spaghetti everywhere.

the power to suddenly have suicidal thoughts

The power to sleep but only when its past midnight

The power to jump -50% higher

Guys, it's over.

The power to shit bombs that only go off when bitten by you.

Power to listen to Hatsune Miku while reading these.

The power to have 20/20 hindsight.

the power to glow in the dark only during the day

The power to jump, but only on the ground.

The power to become any animal, but you have to be touching that animal to transform and it can only be a rat.

The power to have a 17% avoidance rate to stepping on lego bricks.

The pewer to mistype the power, this time in non reverse.

The power to summon a bomb... in your stomach.

The power to open a walnut with your mind

The power of making your eyeballs bigger but without any significant improvement in your sight.

The ability to turn bread into really burnt toast while no one is watching.

The power to shit brix

The power to do anything for a klondike bar.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!