the power that makes your ass turn into a shit machine gun, but you can only use it if its directed at your mouth.

The power to play a flute with your ass

To seek and destroy edward cullen! lol not kinda useless tho xD

The power to read books really quickly but forget what you just read.

The power to breath underwater only when on land.

Having the power to see in the dark if you are blind

the ability to lick your own elbow

The power of the detachable little toe!

The power to have a power.

The ability to sleep for 15 straight hours and still feel exhausted...thank you mono.

make your arm REALLY. fart power

the power to fly indoors

The ability to turn bread into really burnt toast while no one is watching.

The power to take control of mentally disabled turtles.

the power to spontaneously shoot glitter out of your ass

The power to see through clothes, but only dungarees.

The power of turning poo into Adam Sandler movies

X-Ray vision that only works on fat chicks.

the ability to turn into random hats

The power to only drink when your parents are watching.

The power to suck your own dick

The power to remember everything then forgetting it 10 seconds later.

The Power Of being Overly Generous in Bad Situations.

The power to finish right before you start (If you know what I mean)

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!