the power to seduce hats

the power to... SHUT THE F*CK UP

The power to light things on fire with a match

the power to win any video game with your feet but only when intoxicated

the power to see poorly during night time and considerably better during the day with the help of +5 glasses

The power of never finishing what you sta

the power to walk halfway through a wall

The power to see through stuff, but you can't turn it off.

The power to paint as if you were michelangelo but only if your painting sad clowns eating knives

the power to see farther, but only in pitch blackness

The Power to Combust

The ability to be jealous of tom watts like jack moore

The ability to play black ops anytime you want

The ability to turn everything to gold; as long as the original material is gold.

The ability to become the most influential person within the borders of Idaho

The ability to say "MISSING FINGERS" on

The power to have super-sonic hearing, but only in the presence of the mute.

To sumon a cheeto named bill every time you say cow.

The ability to make the wait at the DMV 1,000% longer.

The Power to make up full names on the spot.

The power to lick your elbow if it is coated with butter at exactly 36 degrees Celsius.

The power to have your finger and toenail grow twice as fast as normal.

The power to fly, but you have to wee every 5 seconds.

the power to have the pleasure of sex with out having to do anything to yourself or anybody else!! heckk yes haha

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!