the power to fart for ten straight seconds with one second in between each fart.:)

the power to waste time doing stupid stuff like reading this.

The power to cough, but only at funerals, and speeches

The power to look busy at work but only when the boss is not looking.

The power of invisibility, but only when you're wearing a morph suit, and people can still see the morph suit.

The power to get out of finger locks, only by switching fingers.

The power to speak 360 words/min. in multi-language.

To have a permanently invisible tounge.

A follow up to the next comment bellow... (the irony) is that you also get the powers to type YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH! And other quotes at random points... I got these powers... you do not believe me? YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT LUXURY? YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH! Moral: GUANTANAMO BAY CUBA! Just making conversation... (throws random small dog in the trash container) last part was just me its not like you get the power to do what he does in movies :P

The power to tell the future but no one believes you

The power to transform into Osama whenever someone sees you.

The power to control when a woman is on her period, but you are a man and suffer from constant PMS if you don't force it on someone else.

The power to have a power.

the ability to lick your own anus

The power to have any power you want but only when it's completely useless to have it.

the power to run windows on a mac computer

The power to remember everything then forgetting it 10 seconds later.

The power to not have a power.

The ability to change your eye colour at will. basically, you do this with a torch. Everyone can do this.

When walking down the street, i try to get to a crack in the pavement a few feet ahead of me, and step on it before the next car passes me on the road

The power to have all your friends leave you

The power to become extremely strong unless there is someone stronger around you.

the power that makes your ass turn into a shit machine gun, but you can only use it if its directed at your mouth.

The ability to not fart, but only while you are alone

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!