The power to do something for 8 hours and still have to do it the next day.

The power of speaking every laguage on earth, but to know only one word in your entire life.

The power to be unkillable when you'r not in danger.

The Power to Die instantly.

To summon a duct tape PEICE for 3 seconds then disappears but you can only do it each century

the abitlity to turn into a duck, but not turn back.....

The power to forget you have a super power.

the power to buy something worth 1.95$ when you only have 1.94$

the power to cure someones cold by giving them AIDs

the ability to walk through your clothes

The power to become helpless at will.

The power to have an ability.

The power to stop existing.

the power to feed a dog peanut butter and not laugh

The power to have diarrhea at any time

The ability to abruptly end conversations.

By the power of GREYSKULL! The color of my skull is grey.

The power of total invulnerability and immortality, stops working when you get hurt, or die.

The ability to die instantly

The power to walk on water for one second and then fall in

the power to stay up all night and take long naps during the day

The ability to innoculate against all non-existent diseases

The ability to fly away, but there is a 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% chance that you will get hit by a plane while taking off.

The power to piss your pants whenever you want.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!