The ability to be completely bullet-proof as long as a bullet never hits you.

The power to waste time thinking of and uploading pointless superpowers

The power to do a back flip by drinking water during a front flip

The power to make lipstick fly

The ability to change your hair color to your current hair color

The power to see through womens clothes, but your gay.

The power to be half invisible

The power of hindsight

The power to create a vaporization beam that removes one atom per second.

The ability to "Right Click" Properties

The power to melt plastic by standing perfectly still for a month.

The power to defuse bombs without touching them, but you have to be within 3 inches of it.

The power to live forever until you die a natural way or get killed.

The power to have YMCA or "In the navy" play explosively loudly from your nostrils and be immune to it yourself. Moral: WE KNOW YOU ARE H0MOSEXUAL ALREADY! TURN THAT SHIT OFF!

The power to swim as fast as Sonic The Hedgehog

the power to understand what kate bush is singing

TyPiNg In LoWeR aNd CaPs To AnNoY oThErS

The ability for your penis to tie itself into a knot.

The power to fart in public AT WILL..

The power to get hurt without a break.

The power to talk to animals but only as they are attacking you

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The power to shape shift, but only into yourself two inches taller.

The power to lick any telephone pole to call somebody in the winter.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!