the power to get extra homework

The power to jump 3% higher than the average human,


the power to see everything as if it were a 1 year olds dralling.

The power to walk into a room and not forget what you where going to do.

The SuperPower To Have No SuperPowers

The power to die at any moment you want.

the power to grow mustache combs from your fingernails, but lack the ability to grow facial hair

The power to drink bleach in a gatorade bottle

The Power of Super Speed only when you climb a ladder

The power of measuring grains of corn from a large distance.

the power to have diarrhea at any time

The ability to change your weight

The power to be a superhero when you rage that has the power of controlling yourself.

The power to be asleep while in bed

The power to never finish your sentences because

The ability to control Do-Do Birds

The power to die at will.

The power to die at will

the power to travel 1-day into the future by waiting 24 hours

the power to be invisible, but only at night

The Power to believe you have superpowers

The power to see water one meter behind you.

the power to stare at someone without blinking or smiling for ever

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!