The ability to cure someone of HIV, but you contract it yourself.

The power to make jokes about death while performing dangerous surgery or defusing a bomb

The power to cash cheques that are only ever made out to someone else.

The power to tap dance awesomely, but only when wearing bunny slippers.

The ability to know when, and which elevator door will open first.

The power to grow a mustache with your pubic hair

The power to fart out of someone else's bum

The power to heal but every time you heal your leg or arm falls off.

the power to teleport to the bottom of the ocean at will

The power to have consensual sex with any dog of your choice.

The power to lose all your limbs

The power to stare directly at the sun

The Power to Die if you are dead

the power to fire angry ticks out of your nipples

The power to live until you die.

The power to move 1 second into the future. Takes 1 second to work.

The power to stop moral man from writing morals under every comment... Moral: The damn CIA cant go trough my battlestation, because I use this computer via proxy and can change my IP at will, so you literally would have to blow up the anti-bomb shelters in Micronesia and thus kill a key element of the pirate bay... And who would want that... buy your own music and movies? Download your own games? YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT LUXURY? YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!

the power to turn food into shit

The power to be 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds younger

Astral Projection. Distance: .3mm

The ability to not come back to life when you die.

Power to walk through doors that are only unlocked.

The power of eletric energy in the ancient history

The power of measuring grains of corn from a large distance.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!