The power to remember memories that you have forgotten, but only for 82 milliseconds, and then you forget them again.

Power to not Sleep during Finals.

the ability to teleport far away from here but still be stuck

The power to fly, but only inside an airplane.

The power to drink poison and survive 6 hours longer than any other person

The ability to not live forever

The power to cook 3 minute noodles in under 1 minute.

h owe to orge h irs n as ette of a or

The power to turn into a lamp and stay that way till someone turns your light on.

The power to shoot several liters of blood out of you`re nose at high speed at will.

to be only be able to walk for 0.0183874662 ever 11.204882884832 days

The power to like Justin Bieber

The capability to draw penises very well

The power to type in the wrong capatcha.

The power to be white but only in the city limits of detroit or compton.

the power to forget all you learned when taking the final. just so u could remember it later...

The power to be Chuck Norris

the power to sleep during day

The power to turn your pants into underwear, but only when you're wearing them.

The power to use a rectangular prism to generate electricity to go on a square-shaped object full of pixels and create things with it.

Ability to suck **** like austin calhoun

Clairvoyance, but only when your mothers having intimacy with your dad.

the ability to make real zero dollar bills

The power to regulate your body temperature at about 98 degrees at all times.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!