The power to clone yourself, except all your clones become Catholic priests. Moral: "Mommy! It was HE who touched me!"

power to be the best theif ever known to man but only if your in the most high tech prison

The power to become the worlds most famous necrophilia pørnstar after dying.

the ability to only crap while on a toilet

Teh pewer off havin noo sentense speeled rite.

The power to only see glass.

The power to level up on a game which you can't level up on.

The power to turn gourmet meals into shit.

The power to waste time watching a video about pointless superpowers when you could do something productive.

the power to turn into celebs that evryonr loves to write about only infront of 1 million people

The power to phase through walls whenever there is a door nearby leading to the next room

The power to make school 24 hours , and making vacations for 30 minutes.

The power to have infinite energy, but only when you're asleep.

The power to have perfect vision, but only in pitch black darkness

The power to make somebody fall in love with anybody who isn't you.

The power to crash land ANY vehicle you steer/control. "Hah finally I got a tank! OMG ITS GAINING SPEED ON ITS OWN IN FRONT OF THAT GIANT RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMP!

The power to teleport only when you have eaten something you really hate or allergic to.

the power to die

The power to have an ejaculate in your pants by looking a girl in the eyes.

The ability to have laser eyes only when your eyes are closed, you'd kill everyone in your sleep!

The power to (involuntarily) duplicate someone's wounds or illnesses by touching them.

the power to be extremely guilty in the bum.

The power to develop a cancerous tumor anywhere in your body at any time you want.

The power to hold your fart unless people are around you

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!