The ability to discharge a battery - JW

The power to be and do whatever you want except living forever, only when you are dead

The superpower to detect when someone is racist.

to talk in a mexican accent whenever you want to say "Whats up Essay"

The ability to teleport into a wall

the power to see the future...but only the future of a crappy 5 houses town in the middle of nowhere..

THE power to get stoned withouten using drugs, but only when your in class.

The power to make people feel self confident when you encourage them

Spontaneous combustion... when on the internet

The ability to be a 100% accurate shooter in basketball, however u get blocked every time you shoot

The power to die

The ability to breathe in space,but only when there's oxygen

The ability to know how someone felt exactly 1 year prior but you don't know why.

The power to clap 14 times a second

The power to dream about being asleep.

The power to be the strongest person on earth when no-one else is on earth.

The ability to read a doctor's handwriting

the power the convince people if they agree

The power to uncontrally boop

The power to use a rectangular prism to generate electricity to go on a square-shaped object full of pixels and create things with it.

The power to teleport small dogs

The power to remove seeds from seedless grapes but only on the 4th of may on a sunday

the power to know how your going to die right before you die.`

The power to turn on a hot flash, but only when it's 80 degrees out.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!