The power to grab a cup of purple drank, Then drink it

the power to imagine any women naked...but only as an octogenerian

The power to have all of your genes inherited from your parents

The power to realize that I am starting to sound (and type) more and more like Salvador Dali, and being proud because the man was a genius, the most fantastic thing he could do every morning, was to wake up with a person as fantastic as himself! And while he indeed walked a different path than most do, no one can deny his footprints are clearer than most... Perfection? A losers wish... to be outstanding... is a gift on its own. Moral: Yeah many of you see this as pointless, so I thought I could just as well add it. While I dream of the age where people stop looking for Gods and strengthen the most powerful tool in the universe: YOU.

The power to walk into Mordor.

the power to make justin bieber a bad singer.

The power to die when you die

The power to change the channel without a remote, but only but only if you're holding the remote.

the ability to cure anyone but only if you apply their injury to yourself

The power to sign every comment - Some douche (Scott?)

The Power to make miracle, now days there are no safe place in earth. We may died anytime

The power to walk on very very shallow water (

The power to live in lava, but only when your cold

The power to fly, but only on the moon

The power of having a short attention sp-- Ooh shiny!

The power to become erect at the sight of a man's butthole, oh wait thats just liam flanagan

The power of superspeed...which comes with horrible stamina and Asthma.

The power to elect George W Bush.

The ability to pass out at will.

The power to think of pointless powers.

The power of throwing back grenades

thee power to not eat but still starve

The power of laughing in awkward situations.

The power to shoot rainbows out of your elbows but consequently having your skin fall off

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!