The power to become the worlds most famous necrophilia pørnstar after dying.

Teh pewer off havin noo sentense speeled rite.

the power to hate nature

the power to make an earthquake that an ant can not even feel

The power to turn toast back into bread

The power of Grayskull.

The power to instantly pee when you see a person.

The ability to money into dog shit.

THE POWER OF PEDOBEAR!!!!! but only when theres law enforcement around

The ability to visit and click the "WRITE YOUR OWN" button and think of something to write.

the power to turn into celebs that evryonr loves to write about only infront of 1 million people

The ability to see through walls but only when your blind

The power to see concrete yellow

The power to die at will.

The power to do unto others as you do unto yourself

The power to turn vaseline into mercury whenever you think about throwing away a perfectly good taco

The ability to say YOLO without getting shot.

the power to look directly at the sun only if it is on the other side of the earth

The power to be afraid of movies that are not scary

The power to add a minus to your bank account balance.

The ability to put on a glove that is slightly too large and have your fingers grow to fit the glove.

the power to stop writing pointless super powers

The power to get stuck to doorknobs in dangerous situations

The ability to talk to deer, only while riding one.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!