the power of turnung into a sheep when ever you are in a fight

The ability to sense any and all ham in a five mile radius.

The ability to avoid work when connected to the internet. Thanks, by the way.

The power to get the most thumbs up`s on you`re comment.

the power to shoot superman

The pointless superpower to point any where and one of those bouncy castles appear.

The power to wiggle your toes unless they're tomatoes..

The power to see 2 min. into the past.

The power to light glue on fire.

The power to turn Hydrogen Peroxide into water but only while you're using it to clean out your ears

The power to eat anything in a minute.

The power to hold the floor down using gravity.

The power to fight inanimate objects that pose no threat to you

The power to display emotions at will

the power to like charlie

The power to turn into a slightly uncomfortable pair of pants.

The power to remove all flavour from food.

The power to be your self

The power to paralyze yourself from the waist-up.

The power to end a sentence the way that people wasn't expecting them to orangoutang.

The power to jump only one centimeter high.

the power to not own a spacial power!!

The power to have explosive diarrhea involuntarily but only on dinners with your date and his/her parents.

The power to have 99 problems, except your dog... if she is female.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!