The power to row 1 inch shorter but can't grow 1 inch taller

The power to lick your balls.

Invisibility, when no one is looking.

The power to never be cold, but only when it is above 80 degrees.

The ability to heal someone by trying to beat them to a pulp.

The power to implode when you have pee and you can't stop

the power to fly, but only when you are in a plane that is already flying. inflight flight

The ability to spontaneously get drunk, but only when writing your exams

The power to add a minus to your bank account balance.

being black

The power to be the best video game player ever but you have squeakers follow you everywhere calling you a hacker and saying there going to report you

The power to be immortal until the moment that you would die.

the ability to fall asleep in your bed and wake up In one of jigsaws rooms

The power to be an exceedingly homosexual man and be constantly surrounded by sexy women.

The power to throw up and have it go back into your mouth

The power to die on the spot and not revive

The power to freeze time, but not unfreeze it.

The power to speak to toasters

The power to fell pain 3 minutes after it happens.

The power to yell WOW THOSE ARE SOME GIANT MELONS LADY! And have her blush and giggle, as your girlfriend grabs you and kisses you, just to make sure to "balloon lady" that you are not on the free market. Moral: And you think I act unusual here... Hah! That is simply because you lack the ability to love... the most important person in your life, the one that will take care of your beloved ones, the one that will inspire his friends... Yourself... sadly we are in a time period where being a modest emo is in... Well, I am out! Out there, being free!

To the comment below: You wont get a chance to miss me mortal... Moral: The color of envy... you wish you could be like me... everyone of you, yet some of you got the balls/pussies to prove it! For the people! For the freedom of speech! For courage and strength! For balls of steel! For the ladies... and most importantly... because I f*cking want to! NOW AND FOREVER! I AM MORAL MAN!

The power of super strength but only in your left pinky toe - EO

The power to seduce anyone you do not want.

The power to snore inhumanly loud

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!