The power to have your right hand permanently glued to your face.

The power to have gravity.

The power to f-ck every girl in the world, read it carefully EVERY girl in the world...

The power to make short sleeves into slightly longer sleeves.

The ability to think why does it say write your own when you type it.

The power to die when you use the letter e.

The power to be a walrus

The ability to pass out at will.

The ability to ingest Dihydrogen-monoxide and survive.

the power of turn yourself into a mexican

the superpower of making pointless and lame jokes for which no human laughs (except crazy ones and apes)

The ability to get up from the couch.

The power to have the power to have the power to have the power to have the power to have the power to have the power to have the power to say that you have got the power to have the power of power stuff.

The power to find spare change in the sofa

The power to make water expire.

The power to write in invisible ink

The ability to be heard in space

The power to read the minds of chickens every other Tuesday.

Where to start? Ah yes...THE POWER TO NOT FREAKING DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ability to teleport but you poop your pants whenever you do it even if your not wearing pants

The ability to turn into any non-living object, but not back.

The ability to lose 0.000000000001 percent more skin per year.

the power to get a 100" erection but only over your dead greatgrandma

The power to see the future, but as a blind person who can't hear or smell.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!