The power to run at the speed of invisibility.

The power to become invincible when you're dead

The ability to have night-vision, but only during the day

the power to know you forgot somthing but not know what you forget

The power to throw-up purple cheese curds on command, but you are also allergic to purple cheese curds?

the power to read and agree to the terms or service

The power to control hummingbirds.

The ability to breath fire through your mouth but only when your mouth is closed.

the power to nap instantly, but only when you're tired.

The power to do something while you can play games.

the power to talk to animals but only when it means stealing your ice cream

The power to get all the superpowers but only in your sleep/dreams.

The power to transform into baby food.

The power to find your lost keys only if the keys are in your pocket.

The power to understand the farmer in Hot Fuzz.

The power to pee while standing up

The power to do get 100% in a christian studies exam, but fail everything else.

the power of breath 10 times per second of you will die

The power to blame it on the Boogie

The power to know all the answers to life after you are fatally wounded.

Genetic immunity to the bubonic plague.

The power to turn into a frog that fires is lazah everytime someone says "Hey".

The power to add to

The ability to lead millions into committing mass genocide, proceeding this by killing yourself.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!