The power to teleport a real life Herobrine in your face

the power to mourn the loss of loved ones

The ability to grow breasts once a year.

The power to die at will.

The ability to stop only ONE bullet and ONE bullet only

The power to go hibernate at winter.

The power to uncontrollably fart when your with your girlfriend

The have weak x-ray vision, while only seeing lead.

The ability to know how to drive a car but only when piloting light aircraft

The power to be mario for 10 seconds then you vomit shit for 17 hours. this happens every week.

the ability to make trees grow when you orgasm.

The power to live.

The power to fart get a 10 inch but only at your moms house

The power to menstruate from your eyes.

the power to only eat sugar, but not things that tastes sweet.

the power to have another pointless superpower

The power to change your own emotions at will...WAIT THAT'S A REAL ONE !?

The power to solve any problem with another problem e.g. Putting out a house fire with a flash flood.

The power to pull your heart out from your chest.

The power to give Japanese cartoons seizures.

The power to read captchas 2% faster than usual.

The power to finish homework that dosen't even get A's

power to breath underwater but only when you're dry

The power to barely touch anything in space and time, but only with the pointer finger on your not dominant hand.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!