The power of magnetism! Aka being so magnetic that you have to live in a home completely made out of plastic, and cant go out because you either get hit by random flying frying pans and stuff literally attracted towards you, or even worse, you could get dragged towards a car in movement and become red paste. A guy with this power could not take it any more, so he bought an iron necklace and put it on... may he rest in peace...

The power to move 1 vein slightly to the left, but only if you moved to an apartment on the 29th of February (in any leap year).

the power to feel the emotions of other people, that are severely depressed.

Having a 5 second eidetic memory

The powr to spell eviting wrong.

the power to in power your self

the power to bleed to death from a paper cut.

the ability to run as fast as you want but never be able to slow down...

The ability to levitate birds

Any telePATHETIC power you may get.

The power to have sex with anyone, but only if they are older than 65

The power to write pointless superpowers

to zap people but only yourself

The power to make hot women have sex, but only with guys that you don't know.

Having the power to trap bugs with your manly body hair (chest hair, nose hair, moustache, armpit hair, pubic.......)

The power of being invincible, except when a life-threatening situation develops.

Power to come up with an idea you have recently heard of.

The power to grow back your nails 2 seconds after you pick them.

The power to bingewatch an entire season of a TV show in only five minutes, only to not remember any of it and have to watch it all again through normal means.

The power to have broads in Atlanta.

The ability to throw a boomerang and have it come back to you

The ability to fly... But when your not in the air

The power to survive underwater, while holding your breath.

The ability to make cringe worthy YouTube videos

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!